Professional translation with TranslateOK - attractive rates for more than 50 languages!

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TranslateOK - Professional translation services

Our professional translators have many years of experience in professional translation in various subjects. Our translation company provides services for urgent translation of texts in almost all the languages of the world.

We work with all languages and language pairs. If you would like to order professional-quality translation from Russian to any other language, orvice versa, and to be certain that all the information will be correct, choose our company without hesitation.

We provide professional technical translation of documents, instructions, drawings, specifications, contracts, i.e any documentation from / into English. The work is carried out by qualified translators, who have specialized education and experience in the relevant subjects. All texts go through additional checks by other specialists and editors. Economic translation of tender documents, contracts, business plans, and other materials from / into English. To implement this type of work involves professionals with specialized education in the field of economics. Completed texts are carefully scrutinized. Legal translation of contracts, regulations, agreements and other legal documents from / into English. The results of interaction and understanding between partners from different countries depends on the quality of the work of the translator. Correct, accurate and professional translation of the meaning of documents is the basis of long-term cooperation.

Our flexible pricing policy will maintain the value of the technical, economic and legal translation of contracts, agreements, plans and other documents at a reasonable, affordable price. Urgent translations reach the same standard as any other, as it is done by translators who specialize in the subject of the required text, and editors who carefully check the finished translation.

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Why choose TranslateOK?
Unique translation interface

For our interpreters we have developed a new interface that allows to maximize the quality of performance.


We guarantee a refund within 60 days after you receive the result.


Convenient payment: bank cards, terminals, accounts of mobile operators and more.

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Online calculation

upload the file or text and we immediately calculate the cost

Texts and text files

Input text directly or upload the doc(x), xls(x), ppt(x) or txt file.


Upload mp3 file and we calculate the cost of transcription

OCR beta

Upload jpg or png image, and we calculate the words ammount of your order.

Translator's interface

The translator's interface allows you to perform translation and proofreading right on our portal. Easy integration with downloadable Translation Memory files, distribution of work among several performers and much more. Enjoy all the benefits of service right now

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