Contracts translation

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Contracts translation

Translation of contracts is a strictly confidential process, and since these documents represent an object of trade secrets it is equally important to ensure the correct translation of the names of the contracting parties, addresses and personal names, because nearly all of the documents submitted for legal translation will be submitted to the relevant authorities in the future, and on the basis of such documents international transactions will be completed. It is always important to remember that quality translation of contracts differs in terms of thoroughness and attention to detail. Particular attention should be paid to translate abbreviations and difficult acronyms.

Our company provides translations of the most common types of contracts with quality and maximum speed, including:

  • contracts for sale or lease;
  • agency agreements;
  • transfer of lease contracts;
  • loan agreements;
  • employment contracts;
  • translation of contracts for the delivery of goods;
  • contracts for services and etc.

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Not a problem! Contact our manager via email or telephone, and if it is reasonable for you, we will arrange a transit translation using a third language.

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Why choose TranslateOK?

We guarantee a refund within 60 days after you receive the result.

Unique translation interface

For our interpreters we have developed a new interface that allows to maximize the quality of performance.

Working groups

Thank to thought- through interface we provide to our translators the opportunity to work on your orders together, breaking them into pieces. Yes, this means that you can get a translation even faster!

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Online calculation

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Texts and text files

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OCR beta

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Translator's interface

The translator's interface allows you to perform translation and proofreading right on our portal. Easy integration with downloadable Translation Memory files, distribution of work among several performers and much more. Enjoy all the benefits of service right now

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